Recent Publications
Extreme fire seasons are looming — science can help us adapt
The fastest-growing and most destructive fires in the US (2001 to 2020)
Anthropogenic climate change has reduced drought recovery probabilities across the western US
Rare and highly destructive wildfires drive human migration in the U.S.
Tree species explain only half of explained spatial variability in plant water sensitivity
Forest Carbon Storage in the Western United States: Distribution, Drivers, and Trends
Climate-driven disturbances amplify forest drought sensitivity
Mortality attributable to PM2.5 from wildland fires in California from 2008 to 2018
Quantifying the Smoke-related Public Health Trade-offs of Forest Management
The impacts of rising vapour pressure deficit in natural and managed ecosystems
I am thrilled to be collaborating with this diverse and motivated group of scientists in service of a shared objective. These landscapes are changing, and understanding the pace and intensity of that change is an essential part of adapting our stewardship approaches.